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Team Details
Team short abbreviation: GG
Team full name: Gamers Generation
Homepage: http://www.gamersgen.com
About the Team:

Trophies Circuit:
Trophies Drift:
Positions in Standings (Circuit; Drift): 7 (0; 0)
Pts. (Circuit; Drift): 9,716 (0; 0)
Number of Results (Circuit; Drift): 0 (; )
Participated players (Circuit; Drift)): (; )
The team has beaten WR's:
Has Most Points:
Has Most Trophies:
Best Player in Circuit:
Best Player in Drift:

Type: Country:

Overall Player Standings
# Country Team Player Pts. Loss Diff. Number of Results (Circuit; Drift) Trophies
1PolandGGKRYSTA-GG-2,557 -0 -01 (1; 0)Record at Coastal Express: 1,871Record at Switching Yard: 1,851Record at South Runway: 1,805Record at Runway 15: 1,813Record at Runway 9: 1,856Record at Bayview Bridge Reverse: 1,931Record at Coastal Express Reverse: 1,905Record at South Runway Reverse: 1,803Record at Runway 15 Reverse: 1,811Record at Runway 9 Reverse: 1,826
Record at Central Station Reverse: 1,878Record at : 41,584Record at Tunnel Construction: 2,228Record at North Freeway: 2,576Record at Airport Freeway: 2,969Record at Central Station: 1,851Record at North Freeway Reverse: 2,567Record at Switching Yard Reverse: 1,887Record at Airport Freeway Reverse: 2,957Record at Tunnel Construction Reverse: 2,270
2South AfricaGGF1-GG1,224 -1,333 -1,3330 (0; 0)Record at Switching Yard Reverse: 1,883Record at Switching Yard: 1,857Record at Runway 9: 1,857
3SwedenGGBr0LLisGG966 -1,591 -2585 (0; 5)
4United StatesGGSoulGG788 -1,769 -1780 (0; 0)
5EgyptGGFooToGG624 -1,933 -16428 (0; 28)
6GermanyGGKillerGG-611 -1,946 -130 (0; 0)
7FinlandGGViolatorGG600 -1,957 -110 (0; 0)
8United StatesGGDynoGG546 -2,011 -540 (0; 0)
9United StatesGGHalitzorGG476 -2,081 -7013 (4; 9)
10South AfricaGGSpringBokGG306 -2,251 -1700 (0; 0)
11AustraliaGGMrBGG224 -2,333 -820 (0; 0)
12GermanyGGSphereGG205 -2,352 -191 (0; 1)
13FinlandGGHellmaskerGG166 -2,391 -390 (0; 0)
14HungaryGGHunMajinGG159 -2,398 -70 (0; 0)
15FinlandGGPihisGG144 -2,413 -1514 (5; 9)
16CanadaGGRaReGG49 -2,508 -950 (0; 0)
17United KingdomGGSubZeroGG47 -2,510 -20 (0; 0)
18FinlandGGNoxiousGG24 -2,533 -230 (0; 0)

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