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If you have your own team homepage, you can make there records section easily, which will be based on our data base. It will be updated in real time - just like on this site.

It is very simple to do. All you need is to add tag <IFRAME> with some specific parameters on your page. That's all!

Using of tag <IFRAME>:
<IFRAME width="500" height="500" frameborder="1"

Standart parameters:
width - width of the frame;
height - height of the frame;
frameborder - a frame border;
src - link to desired table with a list of specific parameters, which are placed after a symbol "?";

List of specific parameters to choose the type of the table (possible values are separated with "|", default values are underlined):
lang=eng|rus - language;
team=ID - your team's ID. It can be found on the team edit page on our site.

You can place 2 types of resources on your site:

1. Team records. You need to set the parameter src="http://nfs.com.ua/wr/web_records.php" and add necessary parameters.

For example:
<IFRAME width="600" height="350" frameborder="1"

It will look like:

2. Player standings of your team.You need to set the parameter src="http://nfs.com.ua/wr/web_stats.php"

For example:
<IFRAME width="600" height="350" frameborder="1"

It will look like:

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