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Team Details
Team short abbreviation: [C&P]
Team full name: [C&P]Challenge & Polite
Homepage: http://cpracer.3322.org
About the Team:

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Trophies Circuit: Record at Bellavista: 2:02.041 ([C&P]Snail)Record at Palm Highway: 1:04.008 ([C&P]T)Record at Palm Highway Reverse: 6,633 ([C&P]GOGO(WR2))Record at Scenic Ride: 0:29.059 ([C&P]Richardhlz)Record at 12th & Arbutus: 1:36.012 ([C&P]pharaoh)Record at Bayview Summit: 1:42.099 ([C&P]Snail)Record at Woodbine Park: 1:17.024 ([C&P]Richardhlz)
Trophies Drift: Record at Blackcomb Way Reverse: 13,445 ([C&P]Snail)Record at Eagleridge Estates: 11,706 ([C&P]Snail)Record at Sentinel Hill Reverse: 7,348 ([C&P]GOGO(WR2))Record at Rollercoaster: 11,860 ([C&P]Snail)Record at Grouse Grind Reverse: 9,703 ([C&P]Snail)
Positions in Standings (Circuit; Drift): 4 (2; 4)
Pts. (Circuit; Drift): 11,699 (5922; 4232)
Number of Results (Circuit; Drift): 0 (; )
Participated players (Circuit; Drift)): (; )
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Overall Player Standings
# Country Team Player Pts. Loss Diff. Number of Results (Circuit; Drift) Trophies
1China[C&P][C&P]GOGO(WR2)6,182 -0 -0110 (63; 47)Record at Palm Highway Reverse: 6,633Record at Sentinel Hill Reverse: 7,348
2China[C&P][C&P]Richardhlz1,546 -4,636 -4,63642 (25; 17)Record at Scenic Ride: 0:29.059Record at Woodbine Park: 1:17.024
3China[C&P][C&P]Snail1,214 -4,968 -33223 (9; 14)Record at Bellavista: 2:02.041Record at Eagleridge Estates: 11,706Record at Blackcomb Way Reverse: 13,445Record at Bayview Summit: 1:42.099Record at Rollercoaster: 11,860Record at Grouse Grind Reverse: 9,703
4China[C&P][C&P]T874 -5,308 -34016 (16; 0)Record at Palm Highway: 1:04.008
5China[C&P][C&P]Mars592 -5,590 -28231 (17; 14)
6China[C&P][C&P]pharaoh575 -5,607 -1717 (13; 4)Record at 12th & Arbutus: 1:36.012
7China[C&P][C&P]YAMAHA304 -5,878 -2710 (0; 0)
8China[C&P][C&P]AresGift228 -5,954 -7611 (10; 1)
9China[C&P][C&P]CLGxZONE119 -6,063 -10916 (14; 2)
10China[C&P][C&P]GP03D26 -6,156 -931 (1; 0)
11China[C&P][C&P]N1rvana19 -6,163 -711 (9; 2)
12China[C&P][C&P]shenme13 -6,169 -64 (2; 2)
13China[C&P][C&P]Qinxu7 -6,175 -65 (4; 1)

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